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2005 August 15 — Why Now?
On-line Opinion Magazine…OK, it's a blog
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Why John?

Back in 2000 I was considering voting for a Republican, John McCain. He said a lot of things I agreed with and he [more probably, his staff] had responded to a couple of my concerns with letters that actually addressed the problem I was writing about, as opposed to the form letters I was getting from my Democratic Senators.

I was outraged by what Bush and Rove did to him. The smear was the worse thing I had seen since Katherine Harris ran for Secretary of State. It was despicable enough when they attacked Max Cleland, but to do it to another Republican was outside the pale.

During the early years of the Shrubbery’s reign, John remained a man of principle, but then when the 2004 campaign started he forfeited all claim to my regard. I could understand not openly opposing your party’s candidate, but to actively campaign for the slug that had slimed your family was too much.

James Wolcott in There’s only one Maverick, and his name is James Garner chronicles the latest episode of John McCain selling his soul to the Busheviki. He doesn’t seem to understand that they have no respect or regard for him.

August 15, 2005   Comments Off on Why John?

3 Old Men

A while ago Len at Dark Bilious Vapors mentioned a blog started by the father of a friend – 3 Old Men.

If you have any interest in post and beam construction you should definitely check them out. They are three guys, Al, Andy, and Mickey, who have retired to rural Georgia and are building barns, houses, and workshops.

Lots of details, graphics, and pictures about the buildings with an occasional political post.

August 15, 2005   Comments Off on 3 Old Men