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Say What? — Why Now?
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Say What?

I had some cognitive dissonance listening to Tony Blair talk about changes in immigration policy in response to the attacks in Britain: the suicide bombers were born in Britain.

In spite of reality and the facts this BBC report, Mosque chairman sparks fresh row, will result in problems for Britain’s Islamic community.

Dr. Mohammed Naseem, chairman of the Birmingham Central Mosque:

“A government is entitled to take measures to safeguard the country and the nation, but the problem is that the government speaks with so many tongues that one is confused.

“Up to last week, we were given to believe that the terrorists were home-grown, ‘clean-skinned’ and Muslim.

“The measures being taken are against those who come to this country who are asylum-seekers and they are supposed to be misusing or abusing hospitality.

“Mr Blair told the Cabinet last week that people blame anything but faith, including poverty, discrimination and the war on terror for the bombings, so the message seemed to be that they are blaming everything else, but they should be blaming faith.”

I fear that Dr. Naseem is about to discover that having facts and reality on your side is not enough to hold out fear and prejudice.

[Update: See “FRINGE” by Publius at Legal Fiction.]