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Judge Bullingham — Why Now?
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Judge Bullingham

I was struck by the laws Blair was suggesting, which is why I linked to the “FRINGE” post by Publius at Legal Fiction and commented on Kevin’s post, HATE SPEECH vs. DEATH SPEECH, which is based on Mark A.R. Kleiman’s post, They Hate Us For Our Freedom.

So, I’m driving around and Tony Blair is discussing this on the hourly newsbreak on NPR, and in response to how you determine what is political speech and what is incitement, Blair invokes “common sense”.

If you are not a fan of Rumpole of the Bailey that may not mean much to you, but if you have watched as many episodes as I have, hearing a British authority figure invoke “common sense” as a means of discerning the niceties of a legal definition required a quick stop until I stopped laughing.

I had this picture of Blair with a Bolton mustache, a “dead lamb” on his head, wearing a black bathrobe pronouncing the value of “good old British common sense”. Judge Bullingham has moved to Downing Street.