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2005 August 09 — Why Now?
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Neighborly Wi-Fi

CNN and Money apparently feel that connecting to the Internet through a neighbor’s wireless network is an ethical question of great concern.

I have only recently installed a wireless network so that my brother could have broadband while staying at my Mother’s house. I did a lot of tuning and messing around to extend coverage, but the only computers that can use my network are those I have granted access to. It was a minor bit of extra work, but I don’t have to worry about people “borrowing my bandwidth”.

If people leave their networks open they are inviting you to use it. The Wi-Fi systems use a public frequency that is shared with some cordless phones. If you use the frequency, you must make your own provisions for privacy. If you leave the keys in your car with the motor running, don’t be shocked if it ends up missing.

August 9, 2005   Comments Off on Neighborly Wi-Fi


The ever vigilant snarkmeister, Maru of WTF Is It Now has a magnificent find at the St. Petersburg Times: Extreme Makeover: Harris Edition. [Update: click on Extreme Makeover so you can play at home.]

Go! Print! Locate the crayons! Create!

Ms. Harris officially entered the primary for the Senate seat currently held by Bill Nelson [nominal Democrat] today, so this is surely a clue to the tenor of the coming campaign.

August 9, 2005   Comments Off on Gotcha!

Slash and Burn

Jack at Ruminate This posted a preview of coming attractions: Letting the Big Fish Off the Hook.

Gary Bernsten is a retired CIA agent who was in charge of the effort to capture Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan. He has written a book, Jawbreaker about the effort and is now suing to get the CIA to complete its review of the book so it can be published.

Apparently Gary missed the problems that Richard Clarke had getting his book, Against All Enemies, cleared for publication. Like Clarke, Bernsten is not going to praise the Shrubbery, so, unlike Tommy Franks or Bob Woodward, the CIA has already taken more than twice as long as Agency rules require to clear the book.

Obviously they need extra time for the meetings to create the talking points to be used for responding to another negative book by an insider about the incompetence of the Shrubbery and his minions.

The people at the top get medals and promotions while the people at the bottom get indicted. The intelligence gathered by the CIA was good and sufficient for the proper decisions to be made. We knew who was responsible for the September 11th attacks, we knew where they were, and we had them cornered, but the mission was compromised to prepare for attacking Iraq.

The intelligence community had plenty of skepticism about the WMD claims, but it was ignored and marginalized by political appointees. George Tenet claimed responsibility for the yellowcake in the State of the Union, in spite of the facts, to get his medal and a pat on the head.

By this time everyone should know that they cooked the books. The intelligence that was claimed as justifying the war was hand selected – the fix was in.

August 9, 2005   Comments Off on Slash and Burn


747 Transporter

A Safe Return

They landed at Edwards, so if I’m really lucky I will see it when it lands here to refuel as it is carried on the back of a 747 to the Cape. Eglin is the normal stop for these missions.

August 9, 2005   Comments Off on Landings=Take-Offs