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Too Much! — Why Now?
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Too Much!

I like oatmeal. I like it with butter, sugar, and milk on a cold morning; I love it as a cookie with raisins. If I had to choose between oatmeal raisin and chocolate chip cookies, it would be tough, but the chocolate would lose by the thinnest of margins. While I draw the line at haggis, I really do like oatmeal.

What I don’t like is waiting on a Flash animation by Quaker Oats blocking my view of the news headlines at the ABC News site, nor the Flash-launched pop-up that I had to kill. [Yes, folks, Flash can avoid your pop-up blocker and throw up an extra ad in the background.]

I hope ABC made some money on that ad, because it has cost them my clicks for the foreseeable future. As for Quaker Oats, there are other people who make rolled oats and don’t make obnoxious ads.