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Yo, Kate, Wake Up and Smell the Burqa — Why Now?
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Yo, Kate, Wake Up and Smell the Burqa

Some may wonder why Scarborough is being courted for Florida Senate race.

Some of those from outside may say ‘but she did what they wanted and stopped the recount’ which shows a blindness to the reality of the Religious Reich that controls the Florida GOP. The problem is that she is a she and she wants power.

I won’t bother to go into what’s wrong with Joe Scarborough; he was my congressclown. Yes, he really is as clueless as he looks on television; yes, he really was an apologist for Slobodan Milosovic in the Balkans; and yes, he did not “support the troops” during the Kosovo Campaign; but he has the proper pronoun to be a US Senator for Florida Republicans.