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Random Thoughts — Why Now?
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Random Thoughts

When they said democracy in relation to Iraq we forgot who they were. What do Dobson, Falwell and the rest of the Shrubbery’s base want American democracy to look like?

Isn’t that what they’re getting in Iraq?

[Update: Pudentilla at skippy wondered about this earlier today.]

Via Quiddity at Uggabugga: the reDiscovery Institute.

It’s too bad about some of the oldest Christian communities in the world (they speak a form of Aramaic), the Jewish communities in the birthplace of Abraham, and the Yezidi.

What’s a few ancient religions compared to “bringing democracy to the Middle East”?

An anti-war group is running ads on all but one Salt Lake City television station prior to the Shrubbery’s speech at the VFW convention. So who was the hold out? Fox? No. The NBC station owned by the Mormon Church? No.

How about the station owned by Clear Channel? Bingo!

Flashback time: Joan Baez arrives to sing at Camp Casey in Crawford.