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Where’s The Money? — Why Now?
On-line Opinion Magazine…OK, it's a blog
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Where’s The Money?

the marsupial master of miniscule rants about the republican attempts to bleedout the american government.

Again and again I have wondered what is going on with government spending. Congress keeps authorizing money to buy body armor, to up-armor vehicles, to hire Border Patrol agents, to reconstruct Iraq, etc., but the money isn’t being spent. Where is it and what’s going on?

There are tens of billions of dollars unaccounted for in this administration. You have parts of the Homeland Security Department that have run out of money on paper, but no one is sure if they are out of money or have “lost” it in accounting errors.

The whole government needs a major audit by an outside group to find out what in hell is going on. A billion dollars in $100 bills weighs approximately 2040 pounds. It’s not something that just gets lost.