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Ayatollah Robertson — Why Now?
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Ayatollah Robertson

The government of Venezuela is unhappy according to this
Canadian report:

In Venezuela, however, Vice-President Jose Vicente Rangel said the U.S. response to Robertson would be a test of its anti-terrorist policy and that Venezuela was studying its legal options.

“It’s a huge hypocrisy to maintain this discourse against terrorism and at the same time, in the heart of that country, there are entirely terrorist statements like those,” Rangel said.

Rangel called Robertson “a man who seems to have quite a bit of influence in that country,” adding that the comments “reveal that religious fundamentalism is one of the great problems facing humanity in these times.”

As for the paranoia of Hugo Chavez, I guess most people don’t know who Otto Reich is, and his meetings with the Venezuelans who organized the coup against Chavez.

And the difference between Robertson and the Ayatollah Khomeini would be?