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Anti-War Movement — Why Now?
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Anti-War Movement

A point that seems to be missed by a lot of talking heads is that a large number of the people opposed to the war in Iraq, are not opposed to war. A major segment of those speaking out against what’s going on in the Persian Gulf believe that Afghanistan was necessary and proper, but Iraq was neither.

Mrs. Sheehan doesn’t oppose war, and has clearly stated that she would fight if the United States was attacked. Her question, and the question of all of us who oppose what is going on in Iraq is why are we there. We have been fed a series of lies over the course of the war and none of them have stood up to scrutiny. There is no “noble cause”, only a series of excuses.

“Stay the course” presupposes a course or plan, something that is not in evidence. There really should be a reason when thousands of humans are killed. Someone should explain why.

At some point in the future a stone “I” will join the black granite “V” in Washington. Those of us who oppose this misadventure would hope it needn’t be very large and have 2005 as the last date.