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Idiots! — Why Now?
On-line Opinion Magazine…OK, it's a blog
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JEB! tells us that 70% of the gas stations on Interstate 10 have gas, but fails to mention that the 30% that don’t have gas are all on the western end.

Lt. Governor Toni Jennings, who was the spokesweasel that told us there was plenty of gasoline before the storm, has said that people shouldn’t worry about the gas situation and continue with their Labor Day plans.

Gee Toni, I don’t think that going to see the concrete slab that formerly held a casino in Biloxi is much of a plan, especially since all of the roads are ripped up. Has any one told this woman that we are in the middle of a damn disaster and many of us are not concerned with how much money The Mouse makes in Orlando.

Why not start telling people to stay home and not using gasoline unless they have to so it will be available to use in the generators that are powering breathing machines and other medically necessary devices for the disabled?

Why not ask private pilots to stand down so there will aviation fuel for the aircraft needed for search and rescue operations?

Why can’t they ask people who have a home and a job to consume less to help those who have neither?