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A Calendar of Coming Events — Why Now?
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A Calendar of Coming Events

December 6th

Feast of Saint Nicholas

December 13th

Feast of Saint Lucia [the immolation of the youngest daughter]

December 16th

Birth of Ludwig van Beethoven

December 21st

Winter Solstice [1335 Eastern Standard Time]

December 23rd


December 25th

Birth of Mithras
First day of Hanukkah [begins at sundown which is the night of the 26th on Jewish calenders]

December 26th

Boxing Day
Feast of Saint Stephan
First day of Kwanzaa

January 6th

Feast of the Epiphany
Día de los Reyes

January 7th

Orthodox Christmas

[When the Julian solar calendar replaced the old lunar calendar the Winter Solstice was December 25th. When Pope Gregory corrected the calendar he only corrected it by 10 days and not the full two weeks it was out of synch with the sun, so the date of the Solstice is now the 21st. Most Orthodox Churches continue to use the Julian calendar which is why their Christmas is on January 7th.]