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2005 December 10 — Why Now?
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RIP Eugene J. McCarthy 1916-2005

The BBC has reported the passing of Eugene J. McCarthy, the former Senator of Minnesota and candidate for the President.

Wikipedia has a brief biography of the Senator, one of the leading politicians who opposed the Vietnam War.

His primary challenge for the Presidency in 1968 is considered to be a major reason for Lyndon Johnson deciding not to seek re-election.

December 10, 2005   Comments Off on RIP Eugene J. McCarthy 1916-2005


Via Maru, another example of the Shrubbery’s version of supporting the troops.

The correct procedure is to assign someone to accompany the body home and to coordinate with the family to see if they wish a military ceremony. While a family may elect to have a local funeral home take care of the transportation, you don’t send the family a note saying that you are shipping the remains airfreight and they should check with the airline for the arrival details.

The casualty officer assigned should take care of these things and act as the liaison between the survivors and the military. That is the procedure. That is what is contained the manual. If the military cannot properly honor the dead in accordance with the procedures, they should stop sending them to die.

Reading the article made me extremely angry, beyond the capacity of even swearing to release the fury. You don’t desert your dead on the battlefield. Why would the individuals involved in this assume that it would be acceptable to abandon them once they had been returned to this country? The cost of doing this properly is a pittance compared to the price the family has paid in the service of this country.

December 10, 2005   Comments Off on Respect