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Justice Department Bloggered — Why Now?
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Justice Department Bloggered

Years of investigation, months in the presentation, new laws to help them out, and the DoJ loses another battle in their “War on Terror”:

The case against Sami Al-Arian, 47, had been seen as one of the biggest courtroom tests yet of the Patriot Act’s expanded search-and-surveillance powers.


Two co-defendants, Sameeh Hammoudeh and Ghassan Zayed Ballut, were acquitted of all charges. A third, Hatem Naji Fariz, was found not guilty on 24 counts, and jurors deadlocked on the remaining eight.

The U.S. Justice Department had no immediate comment.

Days worth of wiretaps and they couldn’t convince a jury to convict on anything. And people wonder why the 9/11 Commission won’t give them a passing grade.

Sami Al-Arian is an obnoxious jerk, but Ann, Rush, et al. had better hope that never becomes a crime. Oh, he was also a Bush supporter in 2000, big enough that there are pictures of the Shrubbery and Laura with Al-Arian’s family.

The question is: are they going to waste any more tax dollars on the charges that the jury couldn’t decide? I don’t know if he’s innocent or guilty, but this Justice Department is obviously not competent enough to prove their case.