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Can We Pick ‘Em — Why Now?
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Can We Pick ‘Em

In my memory there was R.L.F. “Robbing Bob” Sikes [re-elected after House reprimand for conflict of interest], Earl “Captain Supremo” Hutto [local children’s TV is good training for Congress], Joe “What Dead Intern” Scarborough [intelligence is over-rated], and now, Jeff Miller. These people have all represented the Florida Panhandle in Congress.

Lambert at Corrente has a post on the Katrina hearings in which survivors compare the lack of regard for their plight to genocide:

“The comparison is inappropriate, according to Rep. Jeff Miller, R-Fla.

‘Not a single person was marched into a gas chamber and killed,” Miller told the survivors.'”

That’s right Jeff, being abandoned to drown in an attic or bed bound in a nursing home, is not like being “marched into a gas chamber”. Having armed police refusing to allow you to escape from hunger, thirst, and pestilence because of your skin color, is not the same as forcing you into a concentration camp because of your religion. Nonfeasance is not the same crime as malfeasance.

I wonder if Jeff talks to Joe, because that comment is remarkably similar to Joe’s reaction to what Milosevic was doing in Kosovo and Bosnia.