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Foreign Policy — Why Now?
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Foreign Policy

Not satisfied with John Bolton annoying the United Nations and Ms. Rice annoying Europe, our State Department thought is was a good idea to have David Wilkins, US Ambassador to Canada, get involved in the Canadian election campaign.

US-Canadian relations are a bit strained over the unilateral imposition of tariffs on Canadian lumber. The matter has been investigated by the various arbitration panels and the US keeps getting told to stop it and pay the escrowed tariffs to the Canadians, but the US refuses.

Prime Minister Paul Martin [Liberal] has been trying to improve relations with the US, but the Canadian lumber industry is looking for resolution. Stephen Harper [Conservative], Martin’s main challenger, thinks that Canada should be tougher in its dealings with the US than Martin is.

If Ambassador Wilkins would like to convince politicians in Canada to stop bashing the US during the campaign, he might suggest that the US government comply with its trade agreements.