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Victims — Why Now?
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The Religious Reich are always the victims, they are “martyrs” for their “faith”, which is under constant attack by everyone.

Into this atmosphere steps an agnostic, paleontologist Gregory S. Paul of Baltimore, who is tired of the ID/Creationist attacks on evolution. Being an academic, he used a scholarly tool to irritate the “Talibaptists”.

Mr. Paul decided to research the claim that a “secularized” society is worse that a society of the faithful. He called his study: Cross-National Correlations of Quantifiable Societal Health with Popular Religiosity and Secularism in the Prosperous Democracies.

The MSNBC article is subtitled: Researcher of religion’s link to social ills comes under withering attack, which is a mischaracterization as bad as the distortions of those attacking him.

The “victims” are accusing Mr. Paul of claiming to prove that religion makes societies worse, while Mr. Paul states that the report generally shows a lack of correlation between religion and condition of society.

The Reich just can’t stand being judged irrelevant.