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Child Abuse — Why Now?
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Child Abuse

Rather than having a traditional crèche by the church my local SBC church sponsors a “live Nativity display” at a local shopping center. This isn’t a mall, it is a “U” of stores around the parking lot, and the display is on an empty lot on the main street.

While it is not quite as cold as Bethlehem at this time of year, the “angels on high” are out in a 10 knot North wind at 45°, which is a near freezing wind chill. Needless to say, mothers are not permitting warm-up suits under their robes, so those “angels” are not posing in rapt attention to the “child” in the “manger” below, who have a wind break and lights to warm them up, and probably heating pads and some animals to generate a few BTUs.

It will be a “miracle” if those kids don’t fall off the platform they’re on while they jump around in their “wings” trying to stay warm. Someone at least relented enough to provide them with white “hoodies” to wear with their robes, but long johns, mittens, and snowmobile boots would help a lot.