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Bogus — Why Now?
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They have announced that an Inquiry into leak of NSA spying program launched.

It took badgering by the CIA to generate any interest in the White House leaking the name of a covert CIA operative and exposing a major intelligence network.

Some may claim that this is a major intelligence revelation, but that’s false – everyone who is reportedly targeted assumed we were doing this. This is about embarrassment and Presidential criminality, not an intelligence leak.

How can I make that statement? Isn’t that just partisan rhetoric? No, sorry, it’s all about timing.

This investigation started two weeks after the story was printed, not two weeks after the leak was known. The White House knew about the leak before the last election, more than a year ago. If this leak were so damaging to national security it would have been investigated then, not two weeks after it embarrassed the President. It’s not one of the worse crimes of these people, but you are required to report leaks of classified information as soon as you become aware of them.

The White House started the investigation to attack its critics, not to protect the national security. This is all about protecting the image of the Shrubbery, not the nation.