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Happy Blogiversary™ — Why Now?
On-line Opinion Magazine…OK, it's a blog
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Happy Blogiversary™

to Steve Bates, the Yellow Doggerel Democrat who started back in the days of hand-coded diaries and continues the practice.


1 Steve Bates { 01.01.07 at 12:29 am }

Thank you! I understand there’s another holiday today as well; I hope you have a happy one!

2 Bryan { 01.01.07 at 10:46 am }

I’m still rehabbing and when that’s done I shift to coding, so at least I’m doing something productive. As the geeks say: Live Long and Prosper.

3 Karen { 01.02.07 at 6:46 pm }

Weird .. I could *swear* I put up a comment here…and it was eaten.

Any who…belated Bloggieversary Wishes!


4 Bryan { 01.02.07 at 9:28 pm }

You left one in the New Year post. Yours should appear immediately, as only the first post is moderated, unless there are a lot of links in the comment.