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2007 January 19 — Why Now?
On-line Opinion Magazine…OK, it's a blog
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Totally FUBAR

Close on the heels of our valiant effort to rid the world of goat herders in Somalia we have this “victory:” U.S., Iraqi forces arrest top aide to al-Sadr.

I don’t know that I would refer to Tony Snow as a “top aide” to the Shrubbery. According to a number of journalists who work in Baghdad, Sheik Abdul-Hadi al-Darraji is the media representative for the al Sadr movement in the city. He should have been easy to find as reporters have him in their rolodex.

And people wonder why the US isn’t winning.

Oh, if you thought that it was a big deal that 400 members of the Mahdi Army were scooped up, forget it. They are people who failed to follow Moqtada al Sadr’s instructions to maintain a low profile, so he doesn’t care and is using the sweeps to get rid of people who don’t follow orders. It’s a win/win for al Sadr: he gets rid of disobedient members of the militia and has another grievance to complain about to “the people.”

Update: Now with doggerel in comments!

January 19, 2007   11 Comments

Friday Cat Blogging

My Shelf Runneth Over

Friday Cat Blogging

You need a bigger pad.

[Editor: Sox has decided to flop down on the keyboard to get my attention if I don’t scratch his ears quickly enough.]

Friday Ark

January 19, 2007   11 Comments