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Happy New Year! — Why Now?
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Happy New Year!

Happy New Year

С Новым годом
Prosit Neujahr
Feliz Año Nuevo
Bonne Année
Felice Anno Nuovo
Gelukkig Nieuwjaar
Sehe Bokmanee Bateuseyo
Blwyddyn Newydd Dda


1 Jack K. { 01.01.07 at 12:25 am }

Even though it’s not quite time out here on the left side of the map, Happy New Year to you, too. May this be the year that we finally get the beast under control…

2 Steve Bates { 01.01.07 at 12:31 am }

Happy New Year, Bryan. I’ll certainly raise a glass to Jack K’s hope for the year!

3 jamsodonnell { 01.01.07 at 4:08 am }

Happy New Year Bryan.. Here’s hoping that 2007 turns out to be a good year.

4 cat daddy and dr. squeeky { 01.01.07 at 8:11 am }

Happy New Year to all…

5 Bryan { 01.01.07 at 10:58 am }

I spent a lot of years on the “left side of the map” in California and Alaska, so I know about the wait, Jack.

Maybe Barney can take him to obedience classes, or they can start screening “Mr. Rogers Neighborhood” in the Oval Office.

I thank you, one and all.

6 Karen { 01.01.07 at 6:11 pm }

And a HAPPY NEW YEAR to you, Bryan!

Looking forward to our next year and Better Tidings (I hope – and my Crystal Ball Nevah Lies!)


7 Bryan { 01.02.07 at 12:02 am }

We can always hope, Karen.