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Frustration — Why Now?
On-line Opinion Magazine…OK, it's a blog
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Blogger is definitely balky today, with the most successful strategy being going to a non-BlogSpot site between BlogSpot sites.

Every form of comments has rejected me tonight: Blogger, WordPress, HaloScan – all for different reasons, but the effect is the same.

Lots of equipment got broken by the “hired help” on the rehab project, and he thinks it is necessary to move everything around every time I leave the site, so that I have to go search for tools when I get back.

Sox rolled in something sticky and was totally unhappy with my cleaning efforts, but Dot refused to go near him and take care of the problem, as she normally does.

I need to take down the Christmas lights at my Mother’s house, but the ladders I need are at the rehab site.


1 oldwhitelady { 01.03.07 at 10:18 pm }

Yeah, well, let me see if I can better you! Oh, I guess I can’t. My comments seem to post just fine. I do need to figure out how to upgrade to the new Blogger, though. I started to do so, one day, but then changed my mind… Ack!
I hope tomorrow is better:)

2 Bryan { 01.03.07 at 10:45 pm }

OWL, I just needed to vent because it doesn’t do any good to yell at people in real space. This is a release for me, and I know about your plumbing problems and Rocky’s “vacation,” which had you pretty worried.

3 andante { 01.04.07 at 7:37 am }

Hmmm….could it be that Dot knows something you don’t? You might consider abandoning those clean-up efforts.

4 Steve Bates { 01.04.07 at 8:51 am }

Regarding Blogger comments… the most awkward scenario is attempting to comment on an old-Blogger blog once you yourself have switched to The Blogger Formerly Known as Beta. If you forgetfully write your comment before you notice that the blog is an old-Blogger blog, and you haven’t logged in to your new-Blogger (i.e. Google) account yet, you face an interesting song-and-dance. I’m not sayin’ what, but something isn’t ready for prime time. (That said, I’ve had very little trouble with TBFKAB on the YDD Annex, but I haven’t bet the blog-farm on it, as many people have.)

My late father was nearly phobic about lending tools. It is a testament to his patience as a parent that he allowed, even encouraged, his young son to go into his workshop and put his hands on the tools there. I don’t envy you dealing with “hired help” on the rehab project. By the time it’s done, you may feel the need to go into reh… ah, never mind.

I have never had much luck cleaning cats. I understand it is necessary when an indoor cat manages to get into motor oil or some such, but if it’s bad enough that a cat won’t clean him/herself, the assisted cleanup is sure to be an exercise in frustration.

Here’s hoping this morning brings you better experiences all around.

5 Karen { 01.04.07 at 1:46 pm }

I figure any date between now and Feb 1st as *acceptable* for decoration removal (baring a Giant Midwestern Snow Storm…of course). But it goes slowly here too…always faster to things OUT of boxes than put them back.

6 Bryan { 01.04.07 at 3:36 pm }

Dot knows exactly what it was and probably sat there smirking as Sox rolled into it. It did come out with Dawn and water, but then I had to wipe him again with warm water to get rid of the residue. Not a happy kitty.

Steve, the old/new Blogger conflict is ongoing, and I assume that BlogSpot reluctance to load and the commenting problems are part of Bloggers “change of life,” and while they hope it’s puberty, it could be menopause.

Karen, I worry about theft, as has happened in the past.