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In Memoriam — Why Now?
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In Memoriam

Kevin Drum started the tradition of Friday Cat Blogging on March 14, 2003 featuring pictures of his cats Jasmine and Inkblot on his Calpundit blog.

Via Rook’s Rant I learned that Jasmine has died, probably of heart problems at 9 years old.

She was the first, and I wish her safe passage over the bridge.


1 Steve Bates { 01.06.07 at 1:07 am }

Sad. I remember pictures of Jasmine in the old days of Kevin’s blog. She will be missed. Thanks for letting us know.

2 Bryan { 01.06.07 at 11:00 am }

She is a piece of blog history and her passing deserved notice.

3 Karen { 01.07.07 at 2:34 pm }

I read that too…right after they took that photo on the Virginia Ham package (R.I.P. to the orginal Cat-Bloggie Furkid!) And so many pets passing away – Stan has lost two dogs this year too.

4 Bryan { 01.07.07 at 2:56 pm }

There are a lot of us with older pets. It will happen.