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Blogger Outage — Why Now?
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Blogger Outage

Announcement: there is a scheduled outage for old Blogger next Tuesday, January 9th, from 7:45am-9:45am PST. You will not be able to post to old Blogger blogs or access any old Blogger blogs on Blog*Spot during this time. We also will not be allowing any new accounts or new blogs on new Blogger during this outage.


1 Steve Bates { 01.09.07 at 10:45 am }

Ah, that explains it. HaloScan has also been intermittent this morning, delivering frequent 500 errors like those we see on Blogger at the moment. I was beginning to suspect a conspiracy.

Then again, some say I always suspect a conspiracy. I can only answer with that old truism: you’re not paranoid if they really are out to get you!

2 Bryan { 01.09.07 at 10:59 am }

Hmmm, I always heard as: Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean that they aren’t out to get you.

3 andante { 01.09.07 at 3:44 pm }

Adding to the paranoia….I have tried to switch, but for some reason I’m not allowed.

I should probably check for my name on the ‘no fly’ list, too.

4 Bryan { 01.09.07 at 5:39 pm }

They are trying to make the shift to the finalized version of the new system and have stopped accepting new blogs until the roll out the final version.

They will probably let you know when they are accepting new blogs when they warn people still on BlogSpot that they will no longer be supporting it.

5 Mustang Bobby { 01.10.07 at 6:34 am }

When I tried switching to the new Blogger — at their invitation — they told me I couldn’t switch.

6 Bryan { 01.10.07 at 12:06 pm }

They can’t quite decide what they are doing. The outage yesterday ran over about three hours as they switched to different servers. Until they can stabilize the server farm, they aren’t going to switching anyone.

7 andante { 01.10.07 at 6:51 pm }

Ah, this explains it all!

According to “Help” – “Thanks for your patience, and we promise it will be worth the wait!”

It’s going to be Christmas all over again!

8 Bryan { 01.10.07 at 11:47 pm }

Andante, when I switched over to WordPress, I had to make one change to my Blogger format. I think they are having to make the same change. I lost a month of my archives in the transition that I have never bothered to re-enter [yes, I do back-up my archives].

I think they are having to reformat the archives which is a major pain with a large data base. They are definitely going to have to do this, but they are in no hurry.