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The Tubes Are A Little Stuffy — Why Now?
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The Tubes Are A Little Stuffy

I am having a spam attack which is really annoying. You won’t see it, but it is using space and bandwidth on the server that I have to pay for. While it isn’t a lot of money, it is still annoying.

HaloScan’s host did some server upgrades over the weekend and things are still flaky. This is normal and not a disaster. Software has to be reloaded after a server upgrade and there will always be a few settings that get changed in the process and have to be reset. It is a pain when you are attempting to make your killer, pithy comments, but chill, things will get better. The system accidentally hit a database limit and has been generating silly error messages. The comment is usually posted, but the counter won’t be incremented. There will also be periods when the system just refuses to cooperate as processes are stopped to do work. Experience tells me this is a temporary glitch.


1 oldwhitelady { 01.18.07 at 7:03 pm }

That can be pretty irritating. I think you’re right, though. Seems to be working fine, today.

2 Bryan { 01.18.07 at 8:25 pm }

People were getting annoyed for no reason, stuff happens in computing whenever you make changes. You can’t remember everything. There is a single guy who does almost everything at HaloScan, and he does a great job overall.