Not Running For Governor
CBS carried the the story about the GOP governors of Mississippi, Alaska, Louisiana, South Carolina, Idaho and Texas not wanting to soil their state budgets with “hand-outs” because of Federal strings attached. Well, except for Texas, these guys have a lot of experience with Federal hand-outs.
According to the Tax Foundation in 2005, the last year they have available, this is the return those states get for each dollar of Federal taxes collected: Mississippi 2.02, Alaska 1.84. Louisiana 1.78, South Carolina 1.35, Idaho 1.21, and Texas .94.
In the group, only Texas pays more in Federal taxes than it receives in return.
They really don’t like the unemployment insurance money, because that isn’t a grant, that’s a loan. The premium for unemployment insurance to businesses will have to be raised to cover the fund’s going broke. Republicans don’t believe in saving for the future, only in tax cuts.
Update: See Scorpio for more on the unemployment issue.