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Reality Check — Why Now?
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Reality Check

Digby has a post that includes this Dick Morris “wisdom”:

…Republicans will ask the central question: Why should taxpayers from states that have cut their budgets and observed spending restraint, pay for the extravagances of the other states? Why should forty-seven states have to pay for California, New York, and Michigan?

I have a better question Dick, ” Why should 17 states, including California, New York, and Michigan, be paying for the 32 states that get more Federal tax money than they provide?”

Only Rhode Island gets as much as it gives. My post on Welfare States covers those that get at least 20% more than they give.

For years Michigan has donated 8¢ to the “poor box”, New York 21¢, and California 22¢. Maybe it’s time for them to look after their own and stop supporting Alaska, Louisiana, Mississippi, et al. with their tax payments?


1 cookie jill { 08.09.10 at 12:07 am }

We’ll keep our moolah…we’ll keep our food stuffs to feed our State residents, too….

2 Kryten42 { 08.09.10 at 3:18 am }

Sounds like a good plan to me CJ!! It’s obvious that the other (mostly Rethug) States have zero appreciation or any gratitude! Let them go to Hell I say! Start with Kansas and Alaska and Arizona… Please?! 😉 😀

3 Bryan { 08.09.10 at 10:49 pm }

The Welfare States are constantly banging the drum about government spending, so let’s give them what they say they want, and stop pouring Federal money into their trough. Let’s see how they like living within their means.

I didn’t hear any of the Gulf states turning down Federal help with the oil spill. I heard them declaring emergencies so they would be eligible for it.