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All You Need To Know About

Republican economic policy is contained in two words: “cheap labor”.

Avedon Carol resurrected this post, Defeat the Right in Three Minutes, by Conceptual Guerilla from January 2nd, 2006, and you should read the whole thing.

Everything they, and Obama have done is designed to weaken working people so they’ll accept lower wages. Of course, they don’t understand that their actions are pushing the economy into deflation, which is very difficult to recover from. Just think about the different approaches used to bail out the banks and the auto companies. The first requirement of the auto loans was to reduce wages.

H-1B and H-2B visas are designed to push down wages by replacing Americans with foreign labor. The “free trade agreements” are designed to access cheap labor. It’s all about cheap labor.


1 Kryten42 { 08.17.10 at 12:07 am }

Yeah, or: “Indentured Servitude”, but NOT just for immigrants!

I was just reading this report from TP. And who didn’t know this was hapening?

REPORT: Partisan Spending On Judicial Elections Soars

2 Bryan { 08.17.10 at 7:56 pm }

That has been going on forever, which is why justice is so spotty across the South, where most judges are elected. Candidates consider lousy ratings from the local bar association a plus because it shows they don’t get along with “trial lawyers”. The Republicans have been demonizing defense attorneys for years. When someone is found not guilty at trial, it can’t be because they weren’t guilty, or the police had a lousy investigation, or the prosecutor did a crummy job – no it was some slick trial attorney that got them off.

It’s not just the South. LA has had a series of the worlds worst district attorneys who have managed to amass an amazing record of failed cases, like the OJ Simpson trial. Yes, Simpson’s attorney was very skilled, but the prosecution just blew it.

Every one wants to control the courts now, so the spending has soared.