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Friday Cat Blogging — Why Now?
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Friday Cat Blogging

Alone At Last

Friday Cat Blogging

Stand Back!

[Editor: KT3 has a rare moment when neither Sleepy not Pita is bugging her, and I took a picture with the flash going off without real need.]

Friday Ark


1 oldwhitelady { 08.21.10 at 10:08 am }

KT3 is alone at last… except that Bryan is out there being paparazzi… She’s certainly a beauty.

2 Bryan { 08.21.10 at 4:28 pm }

She has been a very good momma cat, but she will have learned to wean earlier and then disappear for a while to escape the kittens.

I wasn’t very close when I took the shot which is why the focus is off. I was right on top of the toad when I took his picture.