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Wingnut Weekend Part Doh — Why Now?
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Wingnut Weekend Part Doh

I broke these up to avoid overwhelming people.

The Local Puppy Trainer reported on the gathering of the local tea-partiers this past weekend – Fox News regular lights up Tea Party rally: ‘Terrorists are coming in droves’

OKALOOSA ISLAND — Brigitte Gabriel, a prominent activist who says she’s fighting to keep the United States from being overrun by Islam, asked local tea party supporters to join her cause Saturday.

Gabriel, who frequently appears on Fox News, was the keynote speaker at the U.S. Constitution Freedom Rally at the Emerald Coast Conference Center. The event, sponsored by the Emerald Coast Tea Party, drew several hundred people, including local political candidates.

Ms Gabriel is a Lebanese Christian who “was forced to flee to Israel because of the vicious Muslims” beginning in 1974. As long as you don’t know anything about Lebanon during that period you might sympathize. On the other hand, if you are aware of which Lebanese Christians ended up in Israel, you might not. A good place to start would be with what happened Sabra and Shatila camps.

Most Lebanese Christians stayed in their country, but some were concerned about inquiries into certain actions. Israel did not open its borders to just any Christians who wanted to leave, just the “special ones”.