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Election Day — Why Now?
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Election Day

Voting Sticker

The best news is that Greene lost has lost his bid to buy the Democratic nomination for the US Senate. We don’t have to put up with a flood of Jeff Greene ads until November.

This is good news for the hardest working guy in the Florida progressive blogtopia, Kenneth Quinnell, who has been dealing with Kendrick Meek’s ‘Net effort. His first big campaign is a winner.

For what it’s worth, most people seem to agree that the game changer was when Meek got help from a very popular Democrat, the Big Dog. Bill Clinton can make people feel good, and he knows how to work a crowd.

Update: You can’t buy a Democratic nomination, but the GOP is not that picky. Rick Scott has been chosen by the RPOF to be their candidate for governor.

So, the governor’s race with be: Alex Sink [D], Rick Scott [R], and “Bud” Chiles [I].

The Senate race will be: Kendrick Meek [D], Marco Rubio [R], and Charlie Crist [I].

Update 2: Tea Party = loser in Florida. No tea partiers have won anything in the primaries.


1 Kryten42 { 08.25.10 at 12:20 pm }

Update 2: Tea Party = loser in Florida. No tea partiers have won anything in the primaries.

GOOD!! 😛 😆

I was looking at TP before… and it just does my head in! All this Tea Party crap! They are ttally insane you know? Well, of course *you* know! *shaking head* *sigh*

See this one? (this is def one a’hole that *REALLY* should get hit by a bus)!!
Danger! Bus Parking For Beck’s 8/28 Rally Is Outside The Recommended ‘Safe Zone’

Seriously! Send Beck and his dumb-arsed retard buddies to Afghanistan! THEN they will find out about ‘Unsafe Zones’! LMAO


2 Bryan { 08.25.10 at 4:47 pm }

The Nine-Twelvers really aren’t comfortable around people who aren’t like them, which is a major problem as the overwhelming majority of Americans really aren’t like them. Of course, people who don’t live here don’t know that, because the media talks like they are the “no-longer-Silent Majority”, another Republican meme.

3 Kryten42 { 08.25.10 at 10:47 pm }

LOL Yeah… I can understand that at least! 😉 😀

I was reading ABC and saw this. Thought you might find it interesting. 🙂

Warning from Down Under: Obama’s shaky ground

It will be interesting. The *system* is very different there than here or the UK.

4 Bryan { 08.25.10 at 11:19 pm }

There is one point of absolute similarity – if the House doesn’t back the leader, be s/he President or Prime Minister, nothing gets done.

By ignoring the those in the entire left side before the process of compromise has even begun, Obama has alienated his base of support. Labour did it under Blair, and, and the ALP was doing it [as near as I can tell from the your media]. You can’t abandon your base and survive.

Obama’s “achievements” offer nothing on which a progressive can run. People don’t like the results, and they really don’t like the fact that the economy is not picking up for anyone but the wealthy, those who need it the least.

5 Kryten42 { 08.25.10 at 11:44 pm }

You are correct about alienating the base. The ALP became like the Coalition! Everything was done in secret, behind closed doors, and the actual “Representatives of the People” weren’t involved at all! So, it’s not only that they abandoned their base, they abandoned the voting public completely! And they should have KNOWN there was no way we were gonna allow that crap!

It’s like the media here. We ran Black and Murdock out on a rail!! They tried the crap they pull in the USA here, and they pad the price! Now, both still own significant portions of the media here, but they know a lot better than to try the crap they pull in the USA here! They do try now and then, and they get hammered by the people complaining vigorously to the watchdogs and other media who then have a field day and improve their ratings and/or standing, and Murdock & co pay a big fine for breach of *whatever* and leave well alone for another year, when they think it’s time to try again, just in case we have become the USA! 😉 😆

Unfortunately in the USA, they found the perfect home for their crap because your watchdogs heel and do what they are told! The only real watchdogs are the blogs etc, and they sadly have no real teeth. *shrug*

I guarantee, Murdock and others of his ilk are cringing at this election result here! They cannot work in an environment where there is little or no secrecy and where everything will be scrutinized carefully. 🙂

6 Bryan { 08.26.10 at 12:52 am }

Corporations have created a privileged place for themselves since Reagan’s version of the Cultural Revolution. Our libel laws are very different than most of the world, which is why you will see so many cases involving American celebrities in British courts. As “public persons” it is almost impossible for them to sue in American courts, even over obvious lies.

The media has much stronger protection in American courts, than most of the world, because before they sold their souls to corporations they acted as the ombudsmen for the people. Now they protect their corporate masters.

Florida, believe it or not, has some of the strongest open government laws in the nation. The media and people take them very seriously, and violations are the most common complaint against our office holders. Jeb Bush found that out his first day in office when he decided to hold a private meeting with his department heads. Complaints were filed in minutes by every paper at the capital. Public business is discussed in public.

The Republicans convinced people that government was evil, and the people reacted with the toughest “Sunshine Law” in the US. Any time three or more get together it is a public meeting. The Republicans really hate it.