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Law Suits And Hearings — Why Now?
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Law Suits And Hearings

As the Pensacola News Journal reports corporations don’t like it when they lose over a billion dollars:

Real estate developer St. Joe Co. is seeking unspecified damages against M-I SWACO for a decline in the value of its 577,000 Panhandle acres and in its developments. At its worst point during the massive Gulf oil spill, the company said it lost about $1.4 billion in stock value.

…St. Joe filed a similar action against Halliburton on Aug. 4 and the company has said it plans to sue others involved in the BP well.

St. Joe Companies is the biggest land owner in the Panhandle. They bought up pine forests for use as pulp for their paper products, and discovered that their land along the beach was worth big bucks when they put tacky “communities” on it. They will be suing everyone involved with the Well from Hell.

David Hammer of The Times-Picayune filed a report, BP manager, boss both ignored warnings before Deepwater Horizon blew, from the hearing in Houston.

This is an assignment for Joseph Heller. The testimony in these hearings could be part of Catch 22. A BP executive testifies that he doesn’t know the chain of command for this well‽ It is costing the corporation billions of dollars, and Wells doesn’t know the names of the people in charge when the well blew up‽

If someone is planning a play or movie based on the tragedy, some of the testimony will provide the comic relief.