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2014 December 29 — Why Now?
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Accident Updates:

They have taken everyone off the ferry. Currently 10 people are confirmed dead, but the number of people missing is uncertain because they don’t have a firm number of the people on board at the time of the accident. They think it is about 40, but that isn’t certain.

The US is sending a guided missile destroyer to aid in the search for the AirAsia flight off Indonesia. The Indonesians asked for foreign assistance because of the better sonars on the naval vessels of larger nations. The seas are not as deep as those in the areas involved in the search for the Malaysian airliner earlier in the year, but they are beyond the capabilities of Indonesia.

The AirAsia pilot made a course change that should have taken the aircraft to shallower water along the coast to avoid thunderstorms in the area.

December 29, 2014   2 Comments