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“Never Mind” — Why Now?
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“Never Mind”

He may look like an idiot and talk like an idiot but don’t let that fool you. He really is an idiot. Groucho Marx

So this weekend James Comey goes all Emily Litella over his ‘breaking news’ of last weekend with a new letter to Congress saying “Never mind…” Everyone in the FBI and media who said an indictment was coming LIED.

Chris Cillizza at the Washington Post‘s blog The Fix thinks that we need to trust the FBI. He presents no cogent reason for doing so, other than he thinks we should. He presents no indication that he actually knows what the FBI is supposed to do or what it is not supposed to do, but we should blindly trust that it means the best.

The FBI does conduct some internal investigations. They accept a lot of lame excuses, but their IT department fixing something, and on a Sunday, was too much.


1 hipparchia { 11.06.16 at 6:56 pm }

I am sincerely hoping that the Clinton campaign applied a little polite blackmail to mr comey —- “nice little 10-year-long appointed position you have there, hate to see anything happen to it. . . . ” 😈

also, that techdirt headline is great; made my day! thanks for the link, just for that reason alone.

2 Bryan { 11.06.16 at 7:30 pm }

A friend asked about something the FBI did. It made no sense to her. I told her I agreed – they were being stupid and wasting their time.

For a week we have been hearing about Hillery going to jail and got more nothing when they actually looked at the evidence. Any media organ that uses those sources again deserves to get burned.

3 JuanitaM { 11.08.16 at 7:35 am }

I’m with Hipparchia, the headline alone was worthy of mention. Gave me the first good laugh in quite a while about this circus we’re calling an election.

By the way ABC has a creditable notification system in their app as well. I got Dixville Notch and that other tiny place early this morning. Lol. One Clinton, one Trump. It’s going to be a long day…

4 Bryan { 11.08.16 at 11:57 am }

Relatively speaking, the state of New Hampshire is a tiny place.

When I went to the polls there were actually 3 people in line plus those voting and I got the last ballot in the first pack for the town.