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2016 November 15 — Why Now?
On-line Opinion Magazine…OK, it's a blog
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Moving On

There was a ‘Supermoon’ over the weekend as the moon reached its closest point in its orbit around the earth. I went out to look at as I probably won’t be around for the next Supermoon in 2034. It was the moon and could have been a bit bigger than normal.

Two weeks left the Hurricane season and there is a new Invest in the Caribbean. It has an 80% chance of going tropical in the next 5 days.

Ivanka was on Drumpf’s 60 Minutes interview and apparently broke some sort of rule or regulation by advertising the ‘bangle’ she was wearing on social media. I don’t really understand the rule, but apparently people on reality TV tend to advertise things on social media in violation of the TOS, or something. Anyone dumb enough to pay $10K for something ‘seen on TV’ should be eliminated from the gene pool.

November 15, 2016   5 Comments