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Moving On — Why Now?
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Moving On

There was a ‘Supermoon’ over the weekend as the moon reached its closest point in its orbit around the earth. I went out to look at as I probably won’t be around for the next Supermoon in 2034. It was the moon and could have been a bit bigger than normal.

Two weeks left the Hurricane season and there is a new Invest in the Caribbean. It has an 80% chance of going tropical in the next 5 days.

Ivanka was on Drumpf’s 60 Minutes interview and apparently broke some sort of rule or regulation by advertising the ‘bangle’ she was wearing on social media. I don’t really understand the rule, but apparently people on reality TV tend to advertise things on social media in violation of the TOS, or something. Anyone dumb enough to pay $10K for something ‘seen on TV’ should be eliminated from the gene pool.


1 Shirt { 11.16.16 at 3:06 pm }

A bit of topic (actually more like 16 bits) but during WWII the Danes wore armbands with the star of David to protect Jews from the Nazi death squads. Do you think it appropriate to wear a Crescent Moon and Star on a green field armband to show solidarity with Muslims in the face of Trump’s fascist policies? I tried to find a non-religious symbol but the only thing I could come up with was a “0” (the number – They invented it) but that’d be confused with Obama. Any better ideas?

2 Bryan { 11.16.16 at 9:30 pm }

I would think that a palm tree and crescent moon would make the point and mess with their minds. Look at the flag of South Carolina.

3 Badtux { 11.17.16 at 2:01 am }

The thing going around on Facebook is safety pins. Apparently a safety pin is supposed to signify that you’re devoted to keeping Muslims gays etc. safe. Or something like that. I’m not quite sure how that’s supposed to work, given how easy it is to ratfuck(*). Plus it’s really not obvious enough to make the point.

(* Ratfuck: a term Nixon used for dispatching his own goons pretending to be Democrats to do stupid things to accuse Democrats of doing).

4 hipparchia { 11.17.16 at 6:46 pm }

There was a ‘Supermoon’ over the weekend as the moon reached its closest point in its orbit around the earth. I went out to look at as I probably won’t be around for the next Supermoon in 2034. It was the moon and could have been a bit bigger than normal.

well, bah humbug to you too. I went out and howled at it. I was kind of hoping the neighbors’ bloodhounds would join me, but the other neighbors’ little yappy dogs yapped instead while the big dogs stayed mute. I should probably consider this as rational decisions on all sides, but still, I wish there could have been at least a little bit of a “hound of the baskervilles” soundtrack in the background.

Two weeks left the Hurricane season and there is a new Invest in the Caribbean. It has an 80% chance of going tropical in the next 5 days.

with global weirding ramping up (and how can you not count “president trump” as weirding in the extreme), we may none of us survive to 2034.

5 Bryan { 11.17.16 at 8:18 pm }

Any conversation that includes the internment of the Japanese Americans in WWII is not normal or sane. I sort of get ‘safety pin’, but associate them more with babies, not stopping neo-Nazis and/or real estate developers.

To bay at the moon on cue you really need huskies or werewolves. Hounds usually bay on scent or prey sighting. Werewolves are becoming more likely. I think we crossed over to wyrding in the last few years.