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The Election — Why Now?
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The Election

Hillary won the popular vote, but the voters were in the wrong states, so Drumpf gets to play President. The ad hoc manner in which he is putting together a transition team shows his total failure to plan.

Republicans are claiming a mandate, but losing the popular vote makes that absurd. A majority of voters voted for someone other than Donald Trump.That means the majority of voters didn’t want him or his outline sketch of a program.

Obviously the gerrymandering that Republicans have been doing in the states after the 2000 and 2010 censuses give them a lock on Congress even though fewer people vote for them.

Clinton was sandbagged by the actions of James Comey, a nasty reminder of Hoover’s FBI interference. She should have expected this crap as there has been an organized campaign to defame the Clintons since their days in Arkansas. The media has never reported on them fairly, nor made any effort to present the truth.

Republican controlled states are removing probable Democratic voters for various alleged reasons and the effect was obvious in the numbers from Florida, Ohio, and North Carolina. Trump ‘won’ with fewer votes than McCain or Romney lost with.

Since the Electoral College is the only way Republicans can win the Presidency, it would be a waste of time to attempt dump this 18th century compromise/construct.


1 Kryten42 { 11.14.16 at 4:33 am }

Also this (no surprise for me here):
Trump tried to influence me, says prominent US journalist

Though, “journalist” is a stretch. 😉 😆

Our Morons-in-Charge are trying to make the best of the chaos and avoid any responsibility. Just like politicians really. 😉
Refugee deal with US ‘rushed to avoid Trump’

2 Bryan { 11.14.16 at 12:08 pm }

She’s writing a book, and she was sandbagged by Rupert favorite, Roger Ailes, so I’ll give her a pass. It’s not like I would depend on Fox for anything.

Looking at Trump’s selections for his ‘team’, it is obvious that he has no idea what he’s doing. He is acting like a real CEO, babbling vision statements while the factory floats away.

I doubt he is going to want to live in the White House, as there are major restrictions on what can be done as far as remodeling, even in the ‘family quarters’.

3 Badtux { 11.14.16 at 3:35 pm }

He’s already talking about flying home to New York City on weekends and holidays. He wants to live in the Gold House, not the White House. For someone who is accustomed to sitting in a gold-plated throne with a big gold “T” on it behind a big gold desk, having to sit in a historical chair behind an ordinary wooden desk is going to be torture for him.

Best case is that he decides to do a Jesse Ventura and proclaims that “politics as usual won” and doesn’t run again, so we just have four years of this misery. Worst case… I don’t want to think about the worst case.

4 Bryan { 11.14.16 at 9:00 pm }

Well he will probably try to put a a T on the official chine until the ‘keepers’ of the White House’ make it clear that it is not an accepted pattern. Same with the rug for the Oval Office. Not being able to drive won’t bother him as I doubt he has driven in years. He and Pence can’t travel in the same vehicle, and I’m not sure about living in a penthouse.

I don’t see how he can avoid conflict of interest problems leaving his kids in charge, or legal problems over some of his companies with foreign ties, the kind of thing that made the Clinton Foundation such a ‘pit of pestilence’ when Hillery was SoS.

5 Badtux { 11.15.16 at 12:08 am }

Trump has never really cared about following the law in the first place, only about what happens when he gets caught. My guess is that he figures that with a Republican Congress, all that happens if he gets caught is that a buncha Democrats or a bunch of government bureaucrats with no power to do anything to him get their panties in a wad. Worst case is he does a Nixon and resigns and Pence pardons him. So he’ll just keep breaking the law, because why not?

I suppose you heard about him wanting security clearances for his kids. It’s illegal for Presidents’ kids to work for the government or have a contract with the government while their daddy is President in the first place, and of course it’s illegal to grant a security clearance to someone who isn’t employed by the government or a government contractor. But once he’s President, who’s gonna stop him? Hmm?

It’s going to be a bull in the china shop here… let’s hope not too much gets broken in the process.

6 Kryten42 { 11.15.16 at 1:15 am }

It will be interesting for sure! 😉 😆

Trump changes his tune in 60 Minutes interview

And for us:
The Trump effect on Australia and the ‘post-truth’ paradigm

I hope that asteroid will arrive soon. According to most cosmologists & astronomers, it’s not a question of “if”. So, there is that.

7 Bryan { 11.15.16 at 8:23 pm }

There is no way he can avoid a major problem that is the collision of his kids taking control of his business empire and acting as his advisors. The conflict of interest problems are too numerous. I’m starting to wonder if he doesn’t have at least short-term memory problems and his kids are his shield . My Dad & I both had stratospheric security clearances, but we couldn’t discuss what we did. Getting a clearance means you have the right to look at classified information, but you must need to look at the particular classified information. They might get a clearance through bullying, but they still can’t show a need.

Trump doesn’t know anything about the job he just won. He doesn’t know what powers he has, and what powers he lacks.

Is there a Presidential Pre-school?

Kryten, Trump doesn’t know what he’s going to do or say in the next 10 minutes, much less at the end of January when he takes office. Australia could be lucky – he might not know where you are or that you even exist. 😈

8 Badtux { 11.15.16 at 10:13 pm }

And I thought that George W. Bush was dangerously incompetent. Compared to Trump, he was a frickin’ marvel of intellect, heh.

9 Bryan { 11.16.16 at 11:30 am }

The Shrubbery at least had family and friends who knew how things works. Trump not only lacks ‘a bench’, he can’t fill a starting line-up and his advisors are arguing about the color of the uniforms when they have never seen the game played. He has always gotten laws passed by hiring lobbyists or making ‘campaign contributions’.

10 Kryten42 { 11.17.16 at 8:28 am }

Nothing to see here. Trump camp disputes claims of disarray in White House transition

It’s always amusing when politicians & lawyers redefine meanings when it suits them. 😉

“Isn’t it rich?
Isn’t it queer?
Losing my timing this late in my career
And where are the clowns?
Quick, send in the clowns

Don’t bother
They’re here”

Oh, this: http://thenewdaily.com.au/news/world/2016/11/16/who-is-stephen-bannon/

11 Bryan { 11.17.16 at 8:04 pm }

They don’t know what they are supposed to be doing, so how can they possibly organize their efforts. All of the efforts that Christie had made were cancelled because Trump’s son-in-law is still pissed off at Christie for throwing his father in prison.

The people making the selections don’t know what the jobs actually entail, and they they don’t know what skills or experience is required.

Sorry, M8, but Drumpf and Greg Norman are buddies, so Trump knows that Australia exists…

12 Kryten42 { 11.17.16 at 9:26 pm }

Yeah, I know he does. He was here a few years ago on an endorsement tour for ACN (ACN Pacific here, ACN Inc. in the USA). Originally American/Australian Communications Network. They are a multi-National MLM that Trump thinks is wonderful. A couple people I know are high-level group leaders. I don’t know how much they paid Trump for his enthusiastic endorsements, but I’m sure it was a lot. 🙂

Though, Greg is out of sorts with Trump over his golf course. 😉 LOL

13 Kryten42 { 11.18.16 at 12:41 am }

Just received this via my Twitter feed:

Jesse Singal @jessesingal jesse.singal[AT]nymag.com via Twitter: Something really really scary appeared to have just happened and I hope people understand why it matters amidst all the other chaos. Our president-elect tweeted something that clearly implies his election prevented a plant from moving south: “Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump — Just got a call from my friend Bill Ford, Chairman of Ford, who advised me that he will be keeping the Lincoln plant in Kentucky – no Mexico”

As @ddale8 points out, there’s no such plant in that area that was slated to move to Mexico. PEOTUS appears to have simply made up that he saved a plant and American jobs. But he knows what he’s doing — there are now fake stories all over the place confirming that yes, the election of Trump saved a bunch of jobs. Kept American jobs American. Spreading: “TRUMP EFFECT: Ford Calls Donald Trump – Says Plant Will Not Move to Mexico, Will Remain in Kentucky”

Multiple fake conservative sites have already picked up on this, as did Reuters, for God knows what reason. To a bunch of people, the election of Trump immediately saved jobs. There is no evidence this is the case. So it is becoming increasingly unclear that what Trump does or doesn’t do is, thanks to fake news, *completely* untethered from the real world in a way that makes Fox News treatment of the Bush administration look quaint and harmless by comparison. Think how this is going to play out when it comes to really complex policy matters that even informed people have trouble following. Completely post-truth. We are so fucked.

It’s going to get worse. Nobody will be able to believe a thing out of the WHouse or any media. Not that anyone should now anyway. *shrug*

14 Kryten42 { 11.18.16 at 12:54 am }

Things to come:

US: National Security Choice Won’t Rule Out Torture — Michael Flynn Unwilling to Reject Trump’s Call for Waterboarding

Trump has vowed to continue Obama’s *tradition* of deporting millions of immigrants for minor reasons (such as traffic violations):

Trump Promises to Deport 2 or 3 Million People

Then again… Hillary would probably have made the number far higher. 🙂

Despite what Donald Trump tweeted, Ford is still building a massive plant in Mexico

So, it was a part truth. The best lies are I guess. 😉

And apparently Trump’s “Muslim Registry” is back on his agenda and being seriously considered.

15 Kryten42 { 11.18.16 at 1:09 am }

LOL Well, someone get’s it & isn’t afraid to say so! (Possibly for the first time) I’m proud to be half-Irish! LOL

Irish Senator Blasts Donald Trump: Calls Him ‘A Fascist Monster’

Video of the speech is included. 😀

16 Bryan { 11.18.16 at 2:30 pm }

The Ford story is from 2015, and Ford shifted some truck building to Ohio because of a tax deal set up by Ohio governor and Trump opponent John Kasich, who was really pissed off about Trump’s grab at credit.

Obama has deported more undocumented people than all of the US administrations in the 20th century combined. Trump is going to have to work to maintain what Obama has been doing for 8 years. The biggest problem he faces is that the flow of the undocumented is down because of the economy. He is trying to solve a problem that is already solving itself.

General Flynn was removed as Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency because he freaked out over ‘the Muslim problem’, believing that Muslims were a greater existential threat to the US than the Nazis or the Soviets were.

While we are discussing whackoes, they are going to have to build a new closet in the office of the Attorney General so Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III has someplace to put his robe and hood. He has a problem with minorities that cost him a Federal judgeship under Reagan.

17 Jennifer { 11.19.16 at 1:42 pm }

Orange Hitler Muppet wouldn’t know the truth if it smacked him in his fat dimpled buttocks. I saw the Ford story, only after it had been denounced by “legit” sources. My sole opinion.. The Far Right Conservative Christian movement stole this election ( by years and years of Gerrymandering) and Trump is just a figurehead. Mike ( Satan) Pence will run this country and his legions of minions will attempt to take us back to 1950. Which wasn’t such a good time for women and minorities. I just see this whole thing as a massive disaster that my 9 year old’s adult generation will be cleaning up because 25% of Americans loved a racist facist bully.

18 Bryan { 11.19.16 at 9:56 pm }

If anyone thinks they are going to control Drumpf they have cut all ties with reality. He has to be the center of attention, The Republicans have been using the Christianists since Nixon hooked up with Billy Graham, and the fundies have never gotten what they wanted out of the deal. When they came out and voted for Trump, they lost any pretense of voting for family or morality.

Jennifer, every generation after the ‘Baby boom’ has had worse conditions, and lost ground. Minimum wage should be at least $15/hour to match the $1.25/hour I made in 1964. There were still manufacturing jobs available that would provide a decent living with good benefits and a pension. All that has been evaporating since 1980.

19 Kryten42 { 11.23.16 at 10:14 pm }

Seems Vlad thinks he can:

Vladimir Putin makes ‘aggressive’ missile move in Russia’s European outpost

Who didn’t know this was coming? *shrug*:
‘Hail Trump’: alarm over white nationalist Nazi salute

What’s old is new. Nothing changes. *shrug*

20 Jennifer { 11.23.16 at 10:26 pm }

Actually the minimum wage if kept up with inflation would be $20 an hour and my pay would be much higher. No hope of it going up in the next four years either.

21 Kryten42 { 11.24.16 at 11:45 am }

With Trump & Pence, the minimum wage of the top 5-10% can be expected to rise significantly. Everyone else will be screwed.

At least trump doesn’t pretend to be much of a Christian. Pence is of course the atypical American christian fundamentalist. Ie. One that follows NONE of the christian fundamentals! A complete hypocrite.

Stating the obvious… Just saying. 😉

22 Bryan { 11.24.16 at 5:48 pm }

Jennifer I based my estimate on the cost of two cheeseburgers, fries, and a Coke at McDonalds, the cost of a 4-door sedan, the cost of a gallon of gas, and the cost of a 2 bedroom starter house in 1964 & today. You convert the costs into time worked to make the money, a year for the car in 1964, 5 years for the house, etc. and come up with the rate. Above minimum wage salaries and benefits have been declining since the Reagan administration.

Well, we have to talk about Pence getting his feelings hurt, so people forget the $25 million Trump spent settling the fraud law suits about Trump “University” – the name itself is a violation of New York State law. Oh, yes, the Trump “Foundation” just admitted in its tax filing that it violated the law against ‘self-dealing’, i.e. Foundation money was used to benefit Trump, so now we have an IRS investigation, and the Attorney General of New York.