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The Bocken Bought It — Why Now?
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The Bocken Bought It

The Gävlebocken didn’t make it to midnight of its Fiftieth Anniversary before it was a kebab. All of the town’s plans that were built around the goat went up in smoke.


1 Badtux { 11.29.16 at 2:04 pm }

ROFL! Yeah, that’s 2016 in a nutshell. All our plans up in smoke.

2 Bryan { 11.29.16 at 4:33 pm }

We can’t catch a break….

3 Kryten42 { 11.29.16 at 4:41 pm }

It’s an omen!

But then… Every year has an omen, usually bad for most. 😉 🙂

4 Bryan { 11.29.16 at 5:21 pm }

Are omens always bad? I mean look at the films…

OK, Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman wrote a novel called “Good Omens”, but Gaiman and Pratchett – you know they didn’t mean it. 😉

5 Kryten42 { 12.01.16 at 7:15 am }

Well… it was satire. But they could have meant it. 😉 LOL

Here’s *Democracy* in action (for another laugh). 😆

Question Time protest: asylum seeker advocates disrupt House of Representatives

And this (which just shows that the Coalition bullies haven’t risen above primary (elementary) level schoolyard politics! 😆

Turnbull ministers’ ‘farcical’ tactics attempt to deflect scandal pressure

The lower house public galleries were filled with visiting school children during Question Time, but that didn’t stop Mr Joyce from delivering his planned attack on union leaders, supposedly quoting some saying “effing” and “sucking off dogs”, to which the Speaker sat him and told him he had “strayed beyond what’s acceptable”.

See! We beat trump to it! Maybe a preview of things for you? 😉 I thought it was funny anyway. 😉 Thankfully, we won’t have to hear about their schoolyard tantrums for a couple months. So there is that. 🙂

Also, Turdbull’s approval rating has dropped below 0, worse than it was for the double dissolution election. 😆

6 Bryan { 12.01.16 at 11:47 am }

Trump’s chief of staff needs to pull his license to ‘tweet’ before someone decides to respond to bullshit with bullets.

Yeah, same program – Trump start yelling about his presumptive VP getting booed so the media will stop talking about the $35 million fine & damages he had to pay for his Trump ‘University’ con. Deflection, the universal choice of politicians for bad news.