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Vernal Equinox — Why Now?
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Vernal Equinox

It’s that time of year. Spring arrived at 4:37AM CDT this morning. You could have watched it come at Archæoastronomy.

The air is already filled with pollen and the live oaks are dropping last year’s leaves. The azaleas have already peaked and the pear trees are snowy with blooms.

I would note that locally we have had 12 hours or more of daylight since St. Patrick’s Day, and usually do.


1 Oldwhitelady { 03.21.21 at 5:49 pm }

It feels like spring, today. The birds and frogs are working overtime to keep music in the air. Happy first day of spring, Bryan!

2 Bryan { 03.23.21 at 7:51 pm }

Let’s hope I hangs around a while before it’s time to turn on the A/C again 😉