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Daylight Savings Time — Why Now?
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Daylight Savings Time

The Persistence of Memory by Salvador Dali

Spring forward, Fall back.

Just to screw up your life, don’t forget that Congress has stolen 2:00 to 2:59AM Sunday from you. They should at least have the decency to wait until the equinoxes to do this sort of thing. There’s barely enough daylight to do what needs to be done, much less save.

It’s a government conspiracy to make you late for church 😈


1 hipparchia { 03.13.22 at 8:10 pm }

stayed home from church today 🙂 ….

2 Bryan { 03.13.22 at 8:42 pm }

It was too cold this morning to go anywhere. I have a Florida car; it won’t start at 28° and neither will I.