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2022 March 17 — Why Now?
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Happy Saint Patrick’s Day

Éireann go Brách!

Irish Flag


Well everyone agrees that he died on March 17th, but the year is subject to debate. This is his feast day on the Catholic calendar. Enjoy as you are wont.

Wikipedia has more on Saint Patrick’s Day, if you need more.

March 17, 2022   Comments Off on Happy Saint Patrick’s Day

Iditarod 2022 – Day 12

Iditarod 2022 MapSled DogFrom the press release:
Veteran Iditarod musher Lisbet Norris (bib #43) of Fairbanks, Alaska, scratched at 11:50 p.m. on March 16, 2022, at the Unalakleet checkpoint. Norris made the decision to scratch in the best interest of her race team. Norris had 10 dogs in harness at the time she made the decision to scratch.

Her Siberians were the best looking dogs on the trail.

Finished at Nome
11 Joar Leifseth Ulsom (12)
12 Travis Beals (42)
13 Ramey Smyth (8)
14 Mille Porsild (33)
15 Mitch Seavey (30)
16 Matt Hall (31)
17 Michelle Phillips (4)
18 Lev Shvarts (16)
19 Hanna Lyrek (13)R
20 Paige Drobny (5)
21 Martin Massicotte (6)Q
22 Mats Pettersson (11)
23 Anna Berington (9)
24 Kristy Berington (24)
25 Joe Taylor (22)R
26 Martin Buser (38)
27 Amanda Otto (32)R
28 Jeff King (3)

Standings at 8:45PM CDT (5:45PM AKDT):
Beyond Safety
29 Deke Naaktgeboren (25)
Beyond White Mountain
30 Karin Hendrickson (40)
31 Matthew Failor (10)
32 Matt Paveglio (48)R
At White Mountain
33 Riley Dyche (15)
[continued below the fold] [

March 17, 2022   Comments Off on Iditarod 2022 – Day 12