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One Small Step — Why Now?
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One Small Step

Apollo 11

Apollo 11


Neil A. Armstrong

Pilot: Columbia Command Module

Michael Collins, Lieutenant Colonel, USAF

Pilot: Eagle Lunar Module

Edwin E. “Buzz” Aldrin, Jr., Colonel, USAF

Launched: 16 July 1969 UT 13:32:00 (08:32:00 CDT)

Landed on Moon: 20 July 1969 UT 20:17:40 (15:17:40 CDT)

Landing Site: Mare Tranquillitatis – Sea of Tranquility (0.67 N, 23.47 E)

Returned to Earth: 24 July 1969 UT 16:50:35 (11:50:35 CDT)

It has been fifty-four years since a human first set foot on another natural body in the solar system. We are finally making steps toward doing it again.


1 Kryten42 { 07.28.23 at 7:10 am }

Hiya Brian. 👋🏽 Been so busy! New agent for this Unit. FINALLY starting to fix things! I got a new oven, that works last week. Agent told the landlord how much trouble she was in & she really should cut her eventual losses & fix things! LOL

Anyway, Apollo 11 always get’s to me. Watched it on our little B&W TV. I even remember it was a Pye TV! LOL I was hooked on Space ever since. They were incredible Men taking a huge risk! Those day’s are long gone I think.

I hope you are well & the tenants are giving you some peace.

2 Bryan { 08.07.23 at 10:24 pm }

The temperatures have been in the mid 30°C range but it felt like the 40°s because of high humidity. I’m having to evict people from an apartment so we can make repairs to the damage caused by their dogs and their lifestyles.

The owner, one of my oldest friends, lost his balance and fell and hit his head, so he’s out of action until he heals and I don’t think he will ever be well enough to drive a car again, which he will hate.

After only 9 months the battery in my car failed. so I was grounded for a while while arranging another vehicle to pick up a new battery. It was less than no fun getting the old battery out and putting the new one in in these temperatures.

I’ve been a little busy which is why I took so long to reply.

I was airborne when they landed but we managed to get the word from the moon microseconds before the rest of the world. The video on an oscilloscope screen with signal processing provided by a brilliant maintenance technician wasn’t great but it came from the moon. What you saw on your screen was much cleaner than what we saw on the aircraft. It was amazing and Australia was an important part of the effort with your antennas.

We have the people who will take the risk, but not the politicians.

3 Kryten42 { 08.13.23 at 7:06 am }

Hi Bryan. I understand. Sorry to hear things haven’t improved for you mate. I hope they will soon!

Life just sux for both now. I have to wear a mask indoors now, or I have coughing fits. I suspect black mold on the concrete slab. I told the Agent, again. Other issues too, so yeah… I get it.

That old Maintenance Tech was brilliant! 👍🏽😊 But they had to be back then.