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2023 November 21 — Why Now?
On-line Opinion Magazine…OK, it's a blog
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All Purpose

All Holiday

Since “commerce” demands it, “one symbol to celebrate them all” to be posted on or after the Summer Solstice.

((Thank you Karen of Peripetia))

November 21, 2023   Comments Off on All Purpose


I started doing this 19 years ago after the American electorate committed an act of supreme self destruction and gave the Shrubbery a second 4 years to screw things up. It would appear that people are becoming aware that Republicans just can’t help themselves and attempt to destroy the nation every time they are given a chance to sit in the Oval Office.

Clinton left the Shrubbery with budget surpluses and the Shrubbery left Obama with the Global Financial Crisis. Obama left Trump with a growing economy and Trump left Biden with a crippled economy and over a quarter million dead Americans.

As long as I can I will respond to the important things: the World Cup, the Iditarod & Yukon Quest, Tour de France, and tropical storms.

Politics are the static on life’s radio, so you have to deal with them. You try to ignore them until you can no longer hear the music.

November 21, 2023   Comments Off on Blogiversary™