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Corruption, Cronyism & Incompetence — Why Now?
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Corruption, Cronyism & Incompetence

Harriet Miers on Thursday submitted her resignation as White House counsel. This has nothing to do, of course, with a Democratic Congress about to take its oversight obligations seriously and a White House need for really good attorneys.

Linton Brooks, National Nuclear Security Administration chief, forced to quit because nuclear weapons secrets are showing up in the trailers of junkies and no one can find hard drives of classified data.


1 Steve Bates { 01.05.07 at 12:27 am }

Ah. Ms. Miers is, after all, a smart lawyer!

Flash drives are bound to be the bane of security for materials like that. They’re small enough in size that even searching someone fairly thoroughly may miss one, and big enough that they can hold a lot of secret stuff. I noticed on Bruce Schneier’s site that the government has ordered encryption of all laptop hard drives, on the blockbusters-can-swat-flies principle (swat files, perhaps?). Schneier says it’s a sensible precaution, but it won’t help if people are careless with flash drives.

2 Bryan { 01.05.07 at 9:21 pm }

They can encrypt the drives, but they will play hell keeping people from putting a label on the laptops with the password. That is the bane of corporate security – look in the rolodex under “P” and you will find all of the passwords an individual has, and it gets worse as you go up in the organization.