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Not That He’s Running For President — Why Now?
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Not That He’s Running For President

CNN writes that Louisiana governor to give high-profile GOP response to Obama.

This will be the response to the State of the Union address, and has nothing to do with the campaign that Bobby Jindal is not running.

Fortunately this takes place on a state holiday, so Bobby won’t miss work to deal with it. What state holiday? Mardi Gras! Personally I think Ash Wednesday would be more representative of the State of the Union than Fat Tuesday. I doubt many people will be thinking: Laissez les bon temps rouler!


1 hipparchia { 02.12.09 at 10:31 pm }

i dunno… scrabbling around in the streets for the candy thrown from floats may end up being our most reliable food source.

hipparchia´s last blog post..

2 Bryan { 02.12.09 at 11:12 pm }

Ain’t that the truth.

Things are scaling back this year because people just can’t raise the money as normal sources dry up.

3 Badtux { 02.13.09 at 12:55 am }

Don’t worry, Louisianians will give up Mardi Gras about the same time that the cockroaches take over the Earth. Doesn’t matter how hard times get, they’ll hold Mardi Gras if they are tossing beads made of rocks with holes drilled by hand held together by pieces of vine from wheelbarrows pushed by royalty wearing flour sacks.

4 Bryan { 02.13.09 at 10:05 am }

Which makes it very odd that someone “running for governor” is talking on television instead of throwing beads on Mardi Gras.