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2007 January 08 — Why Now?
On-line Opinion Magazine…OK, it's a blog
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Traffic School Calls

CNN is reporting that a U.S. sub collides with Japan ship. Actually the fast-attack submarine, USS Newport News, rear-ended the Japanese supertanker, Mogamikawa, near the Strait of Hormuz.

It will be interesting to read the explanation of the captain of a vessel designed to detect and hunt even Soviet submarines operating in stealth mode missed a supertanker which can be 300 meters long. If you executed an “emergency stop” with a supertanker, going full reverse with the engines, it takes almost two miles to stop. Someone wasn’t paying attention in one of the most crowded waterways on the planet.

This is going to cost us money, and is to be expected with all of the naval vessels trying to work in the Persian Gulf added to the normal traffic patterns.

January 8, 2007   5 Comments