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Happy Festivus — Why Now?
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Happy Festivus

Yes, today is the celebration of the very untraditional Festivus.

If you celebrate I hope all of your grievances were aired and the airing did not involve the Festivus pole being used in an inappropriate fashion.


1 ellroon { 12.23.14 at 1:14 pm }

Well, damn! That changes everything.

2 Kryten42 { 12.23.14 at 7:34 pm }

And a happy Festivus to you Bryan! 😀

Thanks for once again bringing some sanity and reason to this time of the year, when most of the World enters into an orgy of insane spending and the exhaustion of overindulgent forced festivities & frivolity to try to make up for their crappy year, only to regret it all a couple day’s later whilst wondering how they will pay for it all!

And a heartfelt “Bah! Humbug!” to all! 😛

Though, I do hope that 2015 is a better year for one and all! 😀

3 Bryan { 12.23.14 at 9:33 pm }

Happy Holidays of your choice, Ellroon.

Kryten, people will believe almost anything, and it isn’t worth the effort to explain that the purpose of the Holidays has never been about putting yourself into debt for another year. The Puritans didn’t ban the celebration of Christmas for trivial reasons. The whole thing is Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha’s fault. He established most of what now constitutes the celebration of Christmas in the English speaking world when he was married to Queen Victoria.

4 Badtux { 12.24.14 at 12:08 am }

Prince Albert should have been kept in the can, methinks ;).

I air my grievances daily, so a day for doing so is superfluous. Just sayin’.

As for that pole, the only people for which I would put it to good use are, alas, well protected and far from here. Oh well. I don’t look good in orange anyhow.

5 Bryan { 12.24.14 at 12:19 am }

You show your age by knowing that, Badtux [Albert in a can] 🙂

I was worried about my Mother using hers, bent into a cane, on the TSA agent who took her pudding snack the last time she flew.