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RTFM! — Why Now?
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First it was “nuk-u-ler”, then “Eye-rak”, and now “kash-ay”. They are just trying to be annoying. The “e” at the end of “cache” is silent; the word is pronounced “kash”.

It’s bad enough coming from young GIs, but some of the embedded reporters are starting to do it. I would suggest a dictionary, but if you can’t pronounce the word, it is unlikely you can find it in a dictionary.

1 comment

1 katster { 11.22.04 at 3:25 am }


Andante over at Collective Sigh pointed this way, and after reading your entries, I added you to the blogroll over on my blog.

But the reason I’m commenting is that I had the bad habit of seeing a t in the word ‘cache’ that obviously isn’t there, and would thus pronounce it ‘catch’. And I said it a lot because I ran one of the computer labs on campus and the Netscape cache was a big reason people went over quota.

I’m aware it’s pronounced ‘cash’ now, and managed to change my speaking habits, but it’s always one of those words I have to stop and think about. All over a t that’s not there. 😉
