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2004 November 23 — Why Now?
On-line Opinion Magazine…OK, it's a blog
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Late night thoughts

Thank you for everyone who has dropped by to see what I up to over here. It isn’t done yet but things are moving along.

Since it is doubtful I will see any of the money I’ve been paying in FICA taxes for the last 40 years [both halves of the tax for the last 20] I dropped a dollar on the Florida Lotto. The prize is up to $60 million and I have as much chance of winning as receiving a Social Security check with the current administration.

On a happier note, the threat of a military coup is way down with all of our forces tied down by Iraq. You have to wonder where Rumsfeld is going get 5,000 troops for Bush’s coronation. Of historical note, when I was in the Air Force and worked security for a Nixon visit, we weren’t issued any ammunition. I wonder if the Secret Service has figured that one out?

There’s talk of Bush taking a “victory lap” in Europe. After the problems in Chile you have to wonder how many European nations will find that “they are washing their hair” when he wants to drop by for a chat. I can’t see Mr. Blair convincing the Queen to send an invite after the last visit. Oh, I forgot Poland! Yes, Winter in Warsaw, that’s the ticket. Then he can go to Budapest, and finish in Sofia.

November 23, 2004   Comments Off on Late night thoughts